The real reason why it’s difficult for you to change

Nicole Hsieh
2 min readJul 3, 2021

Does this sound similar…?

‘Why toxicity people like my boss can be a leader, ‘ ‘my neighbor is so annoying that I can’t even focus on my book,’ ‘the lady in front of me walk too slow that I miss the bus.’ Thoughts like these often appear in our daily life; however, we seldom do actions to respond to them. I mean by ‘action’ is not getting angry and complaining but doing something to avoid these sounds.

The reason these thoughts came to mind is…

For instance, most criminals, murderers, and robbers don’t think they are wrong when they are caught. Many of them said, ‘I don’t see how I could have done any differently from what I have.’ Wrong-doers like them blame everyone but themselves. This is human-nature action.

That is, people only do things that have benefits to them, and they do it because they have a ‘ purpose.’

We do everything because we have a ‘purpose,’ even we didn’t notice.

The ‘purpose’ for robbers to rob the store may because they need to survive, they are too lazy to make an effort to get a job, or they just take this identity as a way to let them ‘feel important,’ for binging out others attention.

The same situation happens to us. I get up late, which I don’t like, because I ‘choose’ to sleep in. The ‘benefits’ I get: I can stay up late last night watching Netflix; I can lay in bed comfortable; I can have an excuse not to do the laundry today… There are tons of benefits we can think of. Even we don’t like the behavior we’re doing, but we always do it because it satisfied what we want more.

To be continued…

Content inspired by the books, How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie & The courage to be disliked by Ichiro Kishimi.



Nicole Hsieh

Sharing some important life perspectives with the cute Corgi photos.❤️